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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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Thumbnail ascDate Name User Size Description
09:03, 12 March 2009God hates figs.jpg (file)Pile288 KB 
21:26, 16 March 2009Godfinger.jpg (file)Pile65 KB 
14:47, 17 March 2009Capitalist pyramid.jpg (file)Pile83 KB 
14:55, 17 March 2009Old capitalist pyramid.png (file)Pile419 KB 
17:57, 17 March 2009Another perspective.jpg (file)Pile21 KB 
11:55, 19 March 2009Bumblasts.jpg (file)Pile45 KB 
21:42, 21 March 2009Unscientific american.jpg (file)Pile77 KB 
10:23, 23 March 2009Charles roberts killer.jpg (file)Pile49 KB 
12:02, 25 March 2009Motivational-innovation.jpg (file)Pile196 KB 
10:27, 26 March 2009Billboard-dawkins.jpg (file)Pile29 KB 
10:30, 26 March 2009Billboard-darwin.jpg (file)Pile57 KB 
10:31, 26 March 2009Billboard-mcqueen.jpg (file)Pile23 KB 
10:32, 26 March 2009Billboard-darrow.jpg (file)Pile23 KB 
10:33, 26 March 2009Billboard-dickinson.jpg (file)Pile23 KB 
10:33, 26 March 2009Billboard-twain.jpg (file)Pile24 KB 
10:45, 28 March 2009Why we get sick.jpg (file)Pile30 KB 
09:42, 5 April 2009Crazy v religion.png (file)Pile116 KB 
09:44, 6 April 2009Firebox trap.jpg (file)Pile283 KB 
10:55, 6 April 2009Reason is the enemy.jpeg (file)Pile32 KB 
13:28, 8 April 2009Reason.jpg (file)Pile142 KB 
19:53, 8 April 2009Motivational-creationists.png (file)Pile222 KB 
19:54, 8 April 2009Motivational-irony.jpg (file)Pile44 KB 
19:55, 8 April 2009Motivational-arrogant atheist.jpg (file)Pile19 KB 
19:58, 8 April 2009Motivational-confidence.jpg (file)Pile19 KB 
12:03, 10 April 2009Eostre easter goddess.jpg (file)Pile351 KB 
13:55, 10 April 2009Thanks for dying jesus.jpg (file)Pile104 KB 
15:22, 12 April 2009He came.jpg (file)Pile15 KB 
17:12, 21 April 2009Water bill proseletyzing.jpg (file)Pile254 KB 
14:49, 11 May 2009Human value by age.png (file)Pile6 KB (The Christian doctrines value on human life, according to prices in Leviticus 27:3-7.)
23:42, 14 May 2009Nothing against god.jpg (file)Pile122 KB 
13:39, 16 May 2009Noahs dilemma.jpg (file)Pile34 KB 
13:08, 17 May 20091967 interracial marriage bans.jpg (file)Pile100 KB 
16:21, 17 May 2009Bush memo3.jpg (file)Pile120 KB 
16:21, 17 May 2009Bush memo4.jpg (file)Pile84 KB 
16:22, 17 May 2009Bush memo5.jpg (file)Pile65 KB 
16:23, 17 May 2009Bush memo6.jpg (file)Pile93 KB (Leaked samples of memos on middle east military status prepared by Donald Rumsfeld for President George W Bush show overt Christian propaganda, an attempt to use the president's religious beliefs as motivation to turn Iraq into a battleground between Chri)
16:23, 17 May 2009Bush memo7.jpg (file)Pile92 KB (Leaked samples of memos on middle east military status prepared by Donald Rumsfeld for President George W Bush show overt Christian propaganda, an attempt to use the president's religious beliefs as motivation to turn Iraq into a battleground between Chri)
16:24, 17 May 2009Bush memo8.jpg (file)Pile143 KB (Leaked samples of memos on middle east military status prepared by Donald Rumsfeld for President George W Bush show overt Christian propaganda, an attempt to use the president's religious beliefs as motivation to turn Iraq into a battleground between Chri)
16:24, 17 May 2009Bush memo9.jpg (file)Pile121 KB (Leaked samples of memos on middle east military status prepared by Donald Rumsfeld for President George W Bush show overt Christian propaganda, an attempt to use the president's religious beliefs as motivation to turn Iraq into a battleground between Chri)
19:01, 18 May 2009Ftp flyer page1.jpg (file)Pile251 KB (Full-size flyer can be downloaded from Religious counter protesting)
19:02, 18 May 2009Ftp flyer page2.jpg (file)Pile260 KB (Full-size flyer can be downloaded from Religious counter protesting)
12:52, 24 May 2009Magdelene papyrus.gif (file)Pile44 KB 
12:13, 31 May 2009Religious billboard.jpg (file)Pile69 KB 
12:15, 31 May 2009Killer atheists.jpg (file)Pile90 KB (This is a fake billboard, a parody of [Image:Religious_billboard.jpg|this one]. category:activism)
19:05, 31 May 2009Operation rescue doctor of death.gif (file)Pile3 KB (This icon was on the web site of Operation Rescue. On May 31, the person pictured was shot dead as he was attending church. )
21:51, 31 May 2009Jesus skater.jpg (file)Pile70 KB 
14:52, 1 June 2009National-Debt-GDP.gif (file)Pile15 KB 
20:08, 4 June 2009Motivation-truefaith.jpg (file)Pile53 KB 
15:47, 5 June 2009God is pretend.jpg (file)Pile35 KB 
00:14, 6 June 2009Bumper sticker hatred.jpg (file)Pile148 KB 

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