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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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Thumbnail ascDate Name User Size Description
00:46, 6 June 2009God-v-satan.png (file)Pile163 KB 
16:55, 6 June 2009Militant atheists.jpg (file)Pile69 KB 
12:27, 14 June 2009Diebold propaganda.jpg (file)Pile63 KB 
11:13, 16 June 2009Conservative christian guide.jpg (file)Pile377 KB 
13:40, 16 June 2009Tumbleweed.gif (file)Pile88 KB 
16:47, 16 June 2009Humanism.gif (file)Pile24 KB 
14:02, 17 June 2009193px-Dan Brown - bookjacket.jpg (file)Cdunbar27 KB 
19:16, 21 June 2009Religious logic.png (file)Pile110 KB 
13:46, 27 June 2009Jesus car.jpg (file)Pile124 KB 
11:13, 29 June 2009Marriage debate.png (file)Pile208 KB 
10:49, 30 June 2009Probably a god.jpg (file)Pile280 KB (Christian response to atheist bus campaign ad.)
10:50, 30 June 2009Religious views on sex.gif (file)Pile26 KB 
19:42, 3 July 2009Living with jesus.jpg (file)Pile68 KB 
12:02, 14 July 2009Church hate sign.jpg (file)Pile22 KB (Those behind a sign posted in front of their northwest Gainesville church, proclaiming in red letters "Islam is of the devil," say it's a way to express their religious beliefs and is a message of "a great act of love." Some living near the Dove World Ou)
15:59, 14 July 2009Church irony.jpg (file)Pile292 KB 
16:22, 14 July 2009Huxley v orwell.png (file)Pile783 KB 
13:33, 16 July 2009Joke.jpg (file)Pile70 KB 
12:47, 30 July 2009Pray god cab service.jpg (file)Pile39 KB 
10:41, 1 August 2009Tommaso.Laureti.Triumph.of.Christianity.jpg (file)Pile77 KB 
18:19, 5 August 2009Gods facebook.jpg (file)Pile98 KB 
15:32, 9 August 2009Religion by state 2009.gif (file)Pile91 KB 
12:23, 11 August 2009Retarded religion.jpg (file)Pile46 KB 
09:01, 13 August 2009Creationis museum garbage.jpeg (file)Pile136 KB 
22:17, 13 August 2009Big enough faith.jpg (file)Pile118 KB 
20:13, 16 August 2009Jesus is coming.jpg (file)Pile121 KB 
11:12, 21 August 2009Deathbed atheist.jpg (file)Pile289 KB (Detroit News, March 25, 1931.)
17:27, 15 September 2009Jesus friend request.jpg (file)Pile55 KB 
18:53, 18 September 2009We can quote the bible too.jpg (file)Pile51 KB 
20:57, 25 September 2009PopemobileSticker.jpg (file)Pile57 KB 
01:29, 4 October 2009Ezekiel23.jpg (file)Pile165 KB (Ezekiel, Chapter 23, Verse 19: Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like )
01:14, 9 October 2009American theocracy propaganda.jpg (file)Pile279 KB 
15:39, 16 October 2009Scripture tattoo.jpg (file)Pile37 KB (This image becomes even more ironic when reading another passage from the same book: ''Leviticus 19:28:'' "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." )
10:42, 18 October 2009Pre existing condition.jpg (file)Pile85 KB 
11:59, 20 October 2009Islamic tolerance.jpg (file)Pile35 KB 
11:52, 21 October 2009Free shirt.jpg (file)Pile124 KB 
14:07, 21 October 2009Real-life-pacman.jpg (file)Pile45 KB 
00:00, 23 October 2009Religion-Flowchart 1.jpg (file)Pile58 KB 
10:15, 23 October 2009Generic protesters.jpg (file)Pile44 KB 
17:00, 29 October 2009Jesus spoiler.jpg (file)Pile15 KB 
01:10, 4 November 2009God loves you.jpg (file)Pile135 KB ("Someone went around my building writing this on white boards, I felt it was worth responding to.")
11:23, 10 November 2009Pope dinosaur.jpg (file)Pile287 KB 
12:45, 16 November 2009Jesus dinosaur.jpg (file)Pile23 KB 
14:08, 20 November 20092012 myths.gif (file)Pile444 KB 
23:32, 29 November 2009Jesus iron.jpg (file)Pile184 KB 
07:51, 7 December 2009Cardiff giant.jpg (file)Pile44 KB 
08:02, 7 December 2009Cardiff-giant.jpg (file)Pile46 KB 
09:50, 7 December 2009Hersheys syrup.jpg (file)Pile126 KB 
16:07, 11 December 2009Creation-realistic.jpg (file)Pile99 KB 
22:29, 17 December 2009Fiction.jpg (file)Pile20 KB 
22:02, 25 December 2009Silly hats.jpg (file)Pile133 KB 

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