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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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viewsourcefor (Talk)for $1
viewsourceold (Talk)view source
viewsourcetext (Talk)You can view and copy the source of this page:
viewtalkpage (Talk)View discussion
virus-badscanner (Talk)Bad configuration: Unknown virus scanner: ''$1''
virus-scanfailed (Talk)scan failed (code $1)
virus-unknownscanner (Talk)unknown antivirus:
wantedcategories (Talk)Wanted categories
wantedcategories-summary (Talk) 
wantedfiles (Talk)Wanted files
wantedfiles-summary (Talk) 
wantedpages (Talk)Wanted pages
wantedpages-badtitle (Talk)Invalid title in result set: $1
wantedpages-summary (Talk) 
wantedtemplates (Talk)Wanted templates
wantedtemplates-summary (Talk) 
watch (Talk)Watch
watching (Talk)Watching...
watchlist (Talk)My watchlist
watchlist-details (Talk){{PLURAL:$1|$1 page|$1 pages}} on your watchlist, not counting talk pages.
watchlist-options (Talk)Watchlist options
watchlistall2 (Talk)all
watchlistanontext (Talk)Please $1 to view or edit items on your watchlist.
watchlistcontains (Talk)Your watchlist contains $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}.
watchlistedit-noitems (Talk)Your watchlist contains no titles.
watchlistedit-normal-done (Talk){{PLURAL:$1|1 title was|$1 titles were}} removed from your watchlist:
watchlistedit-normal-explain (Talk)Titles on your watchlist are shown below. To remove a title, check the box next to it, and click "{{int:Watchlistedit-normal-submit}}". You can also [[Special:Watchlist/raw|edit the raw list]].
watchlistedit-normal-legend (Talk)Remove titles from watchlist
watchlistedit-normal-submit (Talk)Remove titles
watchlistedit-normal-title (Talk)Edit watchlist
watchlistedit-numitems (Talk)Your watchlist contains {{PLURAL:$1|1 title|$1 titles}}, excluding talk pages.
watchlistedit-raw-added (Talk){{PLURAL:$1|1 title was|$1 titles were}} added:
watchlistedit-raw-done (Talk)Your watchlist has been updated.
watchlistedit-raw-explain (Talk)Titles on your watchlist are shown below, and can be edited by adding to and removing from the list; one title per line. When finished, click "{{int:Watchlistedit-raw-submit}}". You can also [[Special:Watchlist/edit|use the standard editor]].
watchlistedit-raw-legend (Talk)Edit raw watchlist
watchlistedit-raw-removed (Talk){{PLURAL:$1|1 title was|$1 titles were}} removed:
watchlistedit-raw-submit (Talk)Update watchlist
watchlistedit-raw-title (Talk)Edit raw watchlist
watchlistedit-raw-titles (Talk)Titles:
watchlistfor2 (Talk)For $1 $2
watchlisttools-edit (Talk)View and edit watchlist
watchlisttools-raw (Talk)Edit raw watchlist
watchlisttools-view (Talk)View relevant changes
watchmethod-list (Talk)checking watched pages for recent edits
watchmethod-recent (Talk)checking recent edits for watched pages
watchnochange (Talk)None of your watched items were edited in the time period displayed.
watchnologin (Talk)Not logged in
watchnologintext (Talk)You must be [[Special:UserLogin|logged in]] to modify your watchlist.
watchthis (Talk)Watch this page
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