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Everyone knows that being gay and eating pork is an abomination, right? But did you know according to the bible there are even more abominable acts?

  • Graven images of gods (Deuteronomy 7:25)
  • Men who make any graven or molten image (Deuteronomy 27:15)
  • Sacrificing blemished or evil flavored sheep to God (Deuteronomy 7:1)
  • Wizards, witches, and people who speak to the dead (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
  • Whores (Deuteronomy 23:17-18)
  • A woman who returns to her husband after he has sent her away (Deuteronomy 24:4)
  • Two sets of weights and measures (Proverbs 20:10)
  • A false balance (Proverbs 20:23)
  • The froward (stubbornly disobedient or contrary) (Proverbs 3:32)
  • Lying lips (Proverbs 12:22)
  • The sacrifice of the wicked (Proverbs 15:8)
  • The way of the wicked (Proverbs 15:9)
  • The thoughts of the wicked (Proverbs 15:26)
  • The proud of heart (Proverbs 16:5)
  • Those who justify the wicked or condemn the just (Proverbs 17:15)
  • That which is highly esteemed among men (Luke 16:15)
  • Crab, shrimp, lobster: Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters (Leviticus 11:12)
  • All fowls that creep, going upon all four (Leviticus 11:20)
  • Every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth (Leviticus 11:41)

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