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Church of Christ

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The church of Christ is a evangelical conservative protestant group found mostly in the south and particularly strong in the mid-south from Tennessee to Texas.

The church teaches a “strict” adherence to new testament teaching and believes itself to be an accurate representation of a first century church.

It believes adult baptism is necessary for salvation, that communion should be taken every week, and that musical instruments offend god. The church fancy’s itself as being aware of the pagan influence on catholic and others, and therefore does not celebrate holidays such as Christmas and Easter.

There is no hierarchy in the church of Christ, and no written creed, and it seems that local churches are often caught up in fierce doctrinal squabbles over different issues, often resulting in a preacher getting fired and/or a church splitting.

Some in the church believe that only the king James version of the bible was truly inspired and without error, while others held that other translations were just as good or better.

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