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Christopher Hitchens

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Born in 1949 in Portsmouth, England, Hitchens received a degree in philosophy, politics and economics from Balliol College, Oxford, in 1970.

His books include Callaghan: The Road to Number Ten (Cassell, 1976); Hostage to History: Cyprus From the Ottomans to Kissinger (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1989); Imperial Spoils: The Case of the Parthenon Marbles (Hill and Wang, 1989); Blood, Class and Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1990); and The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice (Verso, 1995); as well as two collections including many Nation essays: Prepared for the Worst (Hill and Wang, 1989) and For the Sake of Argument: Essays & Minority Reports (Verso, 1993). His most recent book is No One Left to Lie To: The Values of the Worst Family (Verso, 2000).

Hitchens has been Washington editor of Harper's and book critic for Newsday, and regularly contributes to such publications as Granta, The London Review of Books, Vogue, New Left Review, Dissent and the Times Literary Supplement.

He is also a very outspoken atheist, who feels that religion is a philosophy that motivates people to want to end the world and their own lives at the cost of everyone else.

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  • God is not great - A video presentation at Google by the author about this book.

Christopher Hitchens Videos

Hitchens on religion

Hitchens takes on Todd Friel of the Way of the Master radio

Hitchens takes on Todd Friel of the Way of the Master radio (part 2)

Christopher Hitchens on Real Time with Bill Maher

Christopher Hitchens on Jerry Fallwell and his death

Christopher Hitchens on the Catholic church

Tribute to Christopher Hitchens

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